Usage Overview


Authentication with the TekDrive API is handled through the use of access keys. You will need an access key with the appropriate claims for your use case.

You can learn more about access keys and their claims here.

TekDrive Instantiation

All interaction with the TekDrive API is done through an instance of the TekDrive class.

from tekdrive import TekDrive

td = TekDrive(

This provides a client (td) which has several methods and helpers, many of which return TekDrive models offering additional methods, to make it easy to interact with the TekDrive API.

For example, creating a file is as simple as:

td.file.create("/path/to/file.txt", name="My New File")

See the Models section for more.

There are also additional TekDrive classes providing helpful functionality such as Search or displaying the directory structure using Tree.